
These courses are ideal for students studying the SFM. If you are an educator interested in studying the method visit here.

Experience the revolutionary new method transforming the lives of music students across the globe. Click on a book cover for a full preview of the contents. Discover what it feels like to have a complete mastery of rhythm.

This book is specifically designed for intermediate and advanced guitarists looking to strengthen their rhythmic abilities.

Unique SFM concepts are taught here that aren’t in the Percussion workbook series.

Concepts from primarily Levels 1-4 from the SFM are addressed here including:

•Waxing and Waning Sixteenths and in 6/8

•Neighboring Syncopations

•Accent Displacement Muted Strumming Exercises


This book is specifically designed for intermediate and advanced bassists looking to strengthen their rhythmic abilities. Concepts from primarily Levels 1-4 from the SFM are addressed here including:

•Correct Biomechanics to maximize technique, tone, and avoid injuries

•Alignment and Calibrations

•Duration Exercises that make or break a groove

•Syncopations as newly defined in the SFM and their displacements

•Daily rhythm training exercises

•How to build a rhythmic vocabulary

•Practicing on or off your instrument with The Rhythm Compass™

•Rhythmic Perception

The Sound Formation Method™ allows you to immediately make music and get the feel correct. This let’s you play with other musicians of any level right away. You’ll learn secrets of groove that you can’t find anywhere else.

In this book you’ll learn how to play any sharp, flat or natural note, ALL minor and major chords, read bass clef and chord charts, develop excellent movement mechanics, staccato and legato articulations, core level rhythmic principles, dynamics, fingerings, and start to identify melodies and chords by ear.



In this book you’ll expand your chord chart reading ability, build a rhythmic vocabulary of sixteenth note syncopations, learn integrative etudes, develop superior movement mechanics, work on precise durations, use major and minor scales with correct fingerings and fun grooves, and expand on recognizing chord types and rhythms by ear.




The percussion series contains Madigan’s revolutionary theory of rhythm. These groundbreaking books are results-driven and designed for performers.

•Even if you’re a professional percussionist, start here. This book will introduce a new way of conceptualizing rhythm and introduce you to The Rhythm Compass™.



This book literally redefines syncopation. Widely described as hard to define by theorists, syncopation is made clear and simple in this book. Learn how to perceive rhythms by feel alone, along with the ability to practice them mentally. The tools in this book allow you to begin building a vocabulary of rhythms.  Click here for more.




There are so many incredible concepts unveiled in this system and one of the biggest is the Anatomy of a Groove. Learning this concept and others in this book will assure that you can hear and perform any groove rapidly. More importantly, the way you play – your FEEL – will change dramatically.





The Level 4 Workbook dives deeply into mastering more advanced rhythmic shapes that can be felt in three different time signatures. Binary thinking/feeling, rhythmic octaves, and measure level vs individual beat level shapes are addressed. Also, covered in this book is beginning to master odd time signatures using new and previous principles addressed in this series.




The mystery of polyrhythms and their hemiolas is unveiled in this book. A new definition of hemiola is introduced to cover this vast aspect of rhythm. You’ll learn why a 4:3 polyrhythm is different than 3:4 and how to subdivide and syncopate these rhythms to create a mastery over them.